Artificial Loop
Natural (emphasis)
Natural (worms eye view)
I took pictures of my boyfriend CJ. We have been together for about 7 months now. He is the best thing that has ever came into my life. He makes me smile when I'm in the worst mood and he gives me faith when I have none at all. I am a huge part of his life he tells me, but hunting comes right after me... He is obsessed with killing animals?! But I respect his lifestyle. In these photographs he is wearing camo and caring his bow. I chose the setting of the woods because its his second home to him. CJ and I can be goofy together sometimes but when he is hunting he gets real serious and focused. It is a massive part of his life and I love it when he gets so excited over the mere thought of hunting. He is really important to me and I like when I am able to experience his hobbies with him. This unit has really opened up my eyes and showed me that you can display someones personality through photographs by the way you pose your model, the clothing they wear, and their location. I really loved this unit and hope to incorporate it in later ones.